April 16, 2025 7:00 PM


Trinity Bible Church of Dallas

Join us for an All-Church Hymn Night Wednesday, April 16th at 7pm. This is a great opportunity to worship together as a congregation outside of our Sunday service, and all ages are welcome. We will sing a combination of our regular Sunday hymns, others from the hymnal, and have time for congregation-selected hymns. Come early for light refreshments and fellowship! We will be singing hymns centered on Easter - Christ's Triumphal Entry, Crucifixion and Resurrection.


Community Fellowship
Opportunities to gather for fellowship as a body
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Sunday Morning Worship: 8:00 & 11:00 am

We offer two worship services each Sunday morning which are typically about 1 hour and 15 minutes in duration. During the service, you’ll receive a worship guide and a free study Bible to take with you.

Sunday School Hour: 9:30 am

(No Sunday School May 26th - September 1st)


Sunday Mornings starting at 8:00 am
Nursery (0-6yr)

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