Our Future Home

6700 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX
“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.”

Ephesians 3:20-21

A Message from the Elders

Over the past six years our Lord has continued to provide for the growth of our church in amazing ways sometimes beyond our imagination.  This announcement is no exception as we are thrilled to share with you an exciting update on our church’s vision and growth.

It is with great joy and gratitude that we are announcing the purchase of our new location that will serve as our home for continued expansion of our ministry outreach not only to the DFW metroplex but to the nation and even the world.  It’s through God’s grace and guidance along with your unwavering support that we have been blessed with this new campus.  Our new home will provide for future growth and outreach serving as a beacon of light and truth to a dying world.

In His Name We Serve,

The Elders
Dallas, TX
August, 2024

We ask for your prayers for the plans, permits, personnel & provision needed for our new home.  Donations may be given to the building fund through our giving page.

Centrally Located in DFW

Creekside Building Worship Center

Worship Center Overview

Worship Center Highlights

  • Welcome Center Plaza
  • 1,606-Seat Worship Center
  • Stunning Views of Trees & Greenery
  • Visitors' Welcome Center
  • World-Class Nursery & Childcare
  • Enlarged Nursing Mother's Room
  • Indoor & Outdoor Play Areas
  • Inviting Coffee Bar
  • Spacious Sunday School Classrooms
  • Choir Rehearsal Loft

Architectural Renderings

Common Area
Stage View
Coffee Bar
Indoor Play Area